The Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is simply known as MIT; is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. The University is one of the private highly research universities of USA.  MIT founded in 1861 to satisfy increasing industrialization of America, MIT implemented some sort of European polytechnic university design and emphasized laboratory program inside engineering and applied science. During the period of World War II as well as Cold War, analysts and discoverer handled computers, radar, in addition to inertial instruction. The defensive research after War contributed to the rapid and smooth development of the campus as well as faculty beneath James Killian. The current main campus having 168-acre (68. 0 ha) areas was launched in 1916 and expanded over 1 mile along the northern part of the Charles River basin.

MIT has one college and 5 schools which comprise 32 departments in all total, is typically known for highly research and higher education in the fields of physical sciences as well as engineering.  Now it is also best known in the biology, economics, linguistics, in addition to management (business, project and other) too. Digital Programs are also popular in MIT. It’s available through online which aims to satisfy learning of individual in low cost beyond specific timeframe.  MIT is often mentioned because one of top universities of the world. The "Engineers" sponsor thirty-one athletics, the majority of competitors of which remain competitive within the NCAA Division III's Completely New England Females and Men’s Athletic Conference; the Division first programs plays in the EARC in addition to EAWRC.

As the record of 2015, 84 Nobel laureates, fifty two National Medal of Scientific disciplines recipients, 45 Rhodes Historians, thirty seven MacArthur Fellow, thirty four astronauts, as well as 2 Field Medalists have been actually associated with MIT. The school has a solid entrepreneurial tradition, plus the aggregated incomes connected with organizations founded by MIT alumni could rank as the eleventh-largest overall economy on the globe.


MIT’s 168-acre campus  covers  nearly 1.6 kilometers of the northern part of the Charles River basin Cambridge city. The campus is separated around in two part by Massachusetts Avenue, with  most  most academic buildings to the eastern  and most of dormitories and  student life  facilities to the western side. The Kendall MBTA Red Line station is  situated on the considerably northeastern borders  of the campus in Kendall Square. The high tech companies have occupied surrounding of MIT for both modern office and rehabilitated industrial buildings as well as socio-economically different residential local communities.

There is nuclear reactor at MIT’s on-campus, which is one  of the most effective powerful  university-based nuclear reactors in America. The prominence of reactor's containment houses  in a very densely populated region has been dubious , but MIT retains it is well-secured. In 1999 Bill Grates, world No.1 affluent  person gifted $20 million dollar to MIT for the construction of a laboratory of computer in the University.

MIT was sued by the  Environment Protection Agency  Safeguard Firm  for the breaching  two important Acts including Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act with regard to it's dangerous waste  storage  and procedures of disposal. The case was settled by paying USD 155,000 and introducing 3 environmental & ecological projects in MIT.  The University expanded building s to reduce its environmental impact by promoting alternative fuel campus shuttles, transportation passes as well as other requirements etc.


Undergraduates usually are guaranteed four-year housing a single connected with MIT's 12 undergrad dormitories. Those people who live on campus may get assistance and mentoring through live-in scholar student instructors, consultants, as well as faculty housemasters. Because housing projects are created based on the interest of learners themselves, different social environments may be sustained in several living groups.  The Split between West Campus and East Campus is a major feature of MIT.  MIT also offers 5 dormitories with regard to individual graduate students and two apartment houses are available for married student families in university.  There is a highly active Greek as well as co-op housing system, which cover 36 sororities, fraternities as well as independently living groups. Ninety percent of undergraduate students used to live on MIT-associated building in 2012.

There are no schools of medicine or law in MIT. The University has one college named Whitaker College of Health Science and Technology as well as five schools in Science, Engineering, Architecture and Planning, Management, in addition to Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences.  Most of the MIT’s curriculum, research, student life and administrative works are controlled & managed by faculty committee of the University.


MIT has been officially recognized by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges since 1929. The University is highly big, hugely residential, research & discovery university together with a majority of enrollments in professional and graduate programs. MIT runs using a 4–1–4 academic calendar means falls semester starts after May 1 and ending in mid-Dec,  and one month “Independent Activities Period” in the month of January, and the spring semester starting in first week of February  and ending in late May.

Undergraduate program

 The four-year, full-time undergraduate program is  balance fully designed between professional majors and those in the arts and sciences, it has been called “most selective” by U.S. News.  MIT gives 46 undergrad  degrees  through its 5 schools. In the academic year of 2010-11, MIT granted  1,161 bachelor of science degree 
Most undergraduates are required to finish a core curriculum  named the General Institute Requirments (GIRs) of MIT. The Science Requirement , normally concluded during freshman year  as pre-requirements with regard to science and engineering majors,  consists of two semesters  physics, two semesters of  calculus, 1 semester of  chemistry, other one semester of biology. There  is Laboratory Requirement, normally  fulfilled by a right class in a course major. The Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Requirement, comprises seven semesters of classes within the humanities, arts,  as well as social sciences,  including  a minimum of one semester from  every single division plus the courses required for  a designed concentration in a HASS division. Other Requirement should be fulfilled by undergraduate to get graduation in MIT.

Most of the classes are based on lectures, demonstration and recitations led by associate professor of the University or graduate students. Problems were set and solved in the classes. It adopts learning-ny-doing method in teaching. Everyone is encouraged to participate in learning and extra curricular activities of University.
Maggie MacVicar  founded  the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) help undergraduates  to work together with faculty members  as well as researchers. Undergrads intiate or join  research projects ("UROPs")  to get  academic credit rating,  pay out,  or volunteer basis. Numerous students participate in the “UROPs” with easily. Student publish their experience & research work in the website of UROP and take credit from it.  

Graduate Program

There is high coexistence & correlation between graduate and undergraduate program of MIT. Therefore qualified candidates take courses of both levels.  MIT provides  a comprehensive doctoral program with degrees in the humanities, social sciences, as well as  STEM areas of study and professional degrees.  The Institutes of MIT offers graduate program  and academic degrees of Master of Science (MS), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), several Engineering Degrees, Doctor f Science (ScD); professional degrees like MBA, Master of Architecture (March),  Master of Engineering (MEng), Master of Finance (MFin) and various prestigious degrees.

Decentralization policy is adopted in the case of admission of graduate programs in MIT. Applicants can submit their forms directly in the office of degree program. Research assistantships (RAs), or teaching assistantships (TAs) supports more than 90% of doctoral students.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology granted master degrees to 1,547 students  and doctoral degrees to 609 students in the academic year of 2010-11. The School of Engineering awarded 45% graduate students in 2011 winter term. MBA, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences as well as Mechanical Engineering were largest post graduate degrees programs of MIT.

University rankings

MIT was ranked among top ten in various ranking agencies since long time. It secured  the places amont top ten in subject wise rankings too. The lists shown that MIT’s strongest subjects are engineering (computer science, natural science, and other engineering sciences) , economics,  mathematics, political science, philosophy and business. MIT received “Best Colleges for Your Money” of Money magazine in 2014, “Most Entrepreneurial University”  of Forbes in 2014 and “Beyond College Rankings” of Brookings Fellow Jonathan Rothwell report in 2015. It proved that MIT is one of the best university of the world.

Libraries, Collections & Museums

The MIT has subject-wise library system including five libraries:  Barker (Engineering), Dewey (Economics), Hayden (Humanities  and Science), Lewis (Music),  as well as Rotch (Arts  and Architecture). The libraries include a lot more than 2.4 million printed quality volumes,  49,000 print or electronic journal subscriptions, 2.4 million microforms as well as 670 guide book. There are digital over print resources are stored in the libraries.  Notable collections consist of various music and electronic music of 20th and 21stcenturies, contemporary arts and cross-disciplinary exhibitions. The extensive public art and public sculpture collections are also available in MIT.

The Museum of MIT was established in 1917. It collects, preserved and demonstrates significant traditions, culture and history of MIT. Now the Museum stores significant major educational outreach applications with regard to everyone, including the annual Cambridge Scientific disciplines Festivity, the initial bash in this kind in the united  states.


MIT is a highly activate research university of United States, spending the sum of US$718.2 million in 2009. It is one of the member of the Association of American Universities. The sponsors of MIT for research are Department of Defense, NASA, National Science Foundation, Department of Health and Human Services, and federal government etc. Among of them federal  government is the greates donor of MIT. Nearly 1300 people are working as researchers and faculties in MIT. In 2011,  MIT has earned huge amount from inventions, patents and researches.

MIT researchers invented radar, single electron transistors, magnetic core memory of electronics. The researchers developed many theories in the field of modern information and digital circuit, and contributed on cybernetics, computer languages, robotics, as well as artificial intelligence etc.

Contributions on subatomic and quantum theory, MIT’s physics faculty have received 8 Nobel Prizes as well as Dirac Medals. The Chemistry department  won 3 Nobel Prizes along with Wolf Prize for their discovery of novel syntheses and methods and MIT biologist got 8 Nobel Prizes for discovery and inventions on genetics, immunology, oncology, and molecular biology. It proves that MIT added numerous alumni.  MIT economics were awarded with 8 Nobel Prizes in the areas of arts, humanities and social sciences. Each and every areas of studies, MIT focuses on research activities to find out new things by researches. 

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